Saturday, December 04, 2010

Moments of Joy

Norah, like any almost two year old, has her moments that make us want to pull our hair out. But at the same time she is just so stinkin' sweet. Let me provide you with a few examples:

#1 - Yesterday I took Norah with me to the gas station since we had to get gas for the snowblower (which didn't work, so I had to shovel all 10" by hand, but don't get started on that). Since its only a few blocks away I let her sit in the front seat in mommy's "big girl" seat. As soon as she sat down she looked at me, smiled, and said, "I big goil (girl)".

#2 - A little later we went on a Menard's run. Some of you may be familiar with the music of Casper Babypants, well, we had it playing in the van. The second she heard it she asks for "Monkey Wiver (River)". This is the same song she made us listen to on repeat from South Bend to the north side of Chicago (I was about ready to jab my eyes with a fork on that trip). Like that trip, as the song ended she starts yammering, "gen, gen (again)." Mommy always tells her to be patient, so when I told her that it was going to start again as soon as it ended, she says "I payshun (patient)."

Below are a few more older photos, obviously as there is no snow, since I have not downloaded any photos recently. Enjoy.

Living large on the bigwheel.

Classic scrunched face smile

Check out my hot ride boys!


grandma said...

The best thing to come from your sis's best rest-grandma gets benefits too. I love the stories and pics. By far I am the luckiest grandma!! :)

Rice Family said...
