Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Norah Knievel

So today was a fun day. Jamie called me on my cell and said, "You've got to get home now, Norah is playing at the neighbors and it is so cute!" Well, it turns out she and our neighbor Sean were racing down the hill next to their house on Big Wheels. Norah was having an absolute blast. According to Jamie, she did this for about an hour. Her first trip down the hill was from only halfway up the top. By the time I got there, she was going from the top and in order to get more speed she was doing the Fred Flintstone with her feet until she got to the steep part of the hill. It was pretty neat.

She also has started talking up a storm lately. Today for the first time I heard her complete the entire alphabet. She usually gets stuck around Q-R-S, but there was one time that she made it through. Then Jamie was said, "watch this. Norah, can you count to 10?" Which she proceeds to do. I about crapped my pants. I had not ever even heard her count to 3 before!!!!

Here are some pictures from her recent trip to the apple orchard.

I'm loving this one. The poses are very Abercrombie & Fitch

the end


Peanut said...

She's such a cutie!

grandma said...

OMW!!! How cute is the movie of her going down the hill. And of her holding the bunny! I love all of you and keep the pics coming. Can't wait to see you again.