Saturday, January 02, 2010

Eventful Holidays

Jamie and I had quite the eventful holiday season this year. Jamie's sister and her family came from Utah for 2 weeks. They stayed with us for the first week and we got in lots of games. Poor Doug, he wants to beat Jamie so bad at Settler's, but she just keeps winning. And what makes it worse, she has no strategy whatsoever. Her only strategy is getting her numbers rolled everytime. Doug and Emily also got us a new game, Qwirkle. We've only played it once, but it seems like a lot of fun.

My dad also came into town for 6 days. It was nice having grandpa around to watch Norah so Jamie and I could get a few hours here and there of rest. It took her a day or so to warm up to him, but by the time he left they were best friends.

As far as presents go, Jamie went for quality over quantity. She didn't want a lot of gifts, she just wanted one, a new kitchen sink and faucet. So we got lots of Home Depot gift cards from the family this year to help towards the purchase. I was aghast at how much it would cost for a sink and faucet.... in my opinion it was ridiculously expensive and we didn't even get the "good" stuff. But its installed and working and I think looks great.

We also had some bad news. On Tuesday, Dec 22nd, Jamie and I lost our baby that she was carrying. She was 13 weeks pregnant at the time. We were hoping to spread the good news that we were pregnant at Christmas, but unfortunately God decided he wanted this child. Along with being physically difficult for Jamie, it was a very emotional and tough time for the both of us. We had both come to grips with the notion that we couldn't get pregnant and that God wanted to complete our family through adoption. Then we find out we are pregnant. So that took some time to wrap our heads around, which we finally did a few weeks before the miscarriage. So its been a whirlwind of emotions, but we thank all of you who have been praying for us and checking in on us. We truly do appreciate it.

Now, back to some fun stuff, pictures....

Santa's Little Helper

Reading with Grandpa Miller


Opening gifts with cousin Ellie


grandma said...

What a prize!! I love 'santa's little helper' picture. So proud to be her grandma.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

milnuts said...

Um, thanks Anonymous, i think.