Sunday, August 23, 2009

Minnesota Hacksaw Massacre

On Friday we had a little bit of time to do some chores around the house, something we don't get to do a lot of anymore. I was finishing up some work on the sprinkler system and Jamie decided to trim some shrubs in the front of the house. Specifically, these variegated dogwoods.

However, I'm not exactly sure that what resulted could appropriately be called a trim. I'd say it was more like a hatchet job. When I came around to the front yard I nearly choked. The once beautiful dogwood now looked like this....


grandma said...

???that's not the same bush to begin with Ryan, is it? LOL

milnuts said...

No, its not the same bush. Everyone keeps saying that. We have two dogwood's in front of the house, both of which were nice and huge. Jamie had already begun the massacre of the first bush, so I took the picture of the second one (before it got hacked). Both bushes looked like the first picture, and both ended up looking like the second.