Monday, July 14, 2008

Git 'er done

Jamie has put together quite a list of "to-do's" for the summer.  Last weekend my dad came to town, and unbeknownst to him, he got to help me make Jamie happy!  The first project was finishing our new kitchen floor.  Well, the floor has been down for about a month, but it took me awhile to get the threshold finished that went between the kitchen and the living room.  The problem is that the reducers you buy at Home Depot only come in 4ft pieces, and we needed 12ft.  So I had to improvise and make one out a 12ft 1"x2" with my router.  But my dad got to do the fun part of helping me put it down and then stretch the carpet back to fit.  All in all, it looks like some good Amish work.

And speaking of good Amish work, we got started on some shelves in the garage.  As continue to accumulate, ahem, stuff, we need a place to store it.  So I was directed to build some shelves for the garage.  So dad and I got started on that project on Saturday.  Here's the final product:

And while I'm loading pictures I thought you would all (the 2 of you that read this that is) would like this.  This poor critter must have been a little thirsty and didn't bother thinking about an escape plan before he went in for a drink. As you might have guessed, my wife was none to pleased to walk up on this sight!!!


The Bontragers said...

Hhhmm... sounds like Jamie and I have the same "game plan" for our husbands' summers :)

Watterson Family said...

nice shelves that a chipmunk in the bucket!?

Rice Family said...

you were wrong. 3 people read this and I feel bad for that chipmunk... Did you bury it?

Corey, Julie, Trevin & Logan said...

Wrong again, 4 people. :-) Nice shelves! Can you come help my husband. Ha! :-)

The Bontragers said...

ahem, 6 people, and i am not at all suprised by the miller craftsmanship. saw your paps the other day! - fiver