Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Festivities

Time for the Christmas recap now that things have settled down a bit. Joe came up to spend a week with us. He arrived last Wednesday evening and stayed until yesterday morning. It was good and relaxing time as we didn't really have anything on the agenda. On Thursday morning my dad and I went down to Cresco, IA to see one of his dealers. It was fun to tag along and actually see what it is he does when he goes on all of his business trips. I did have an ulterior motive though. I was hoping to peddle my ability to do websites to them, but alas, they already had a website that was actually pretty nice, so there was nothing else I could do for them.

On Sunday after church we decided we would head up to the Mall of America to do a little shopping. What we didn't account for was the snow and 40mph winds. It was brutal driving in those near whiteout conditions. Luckily I am no ordinary man and was able to navigate the treacherous highways with no problems. While at the mall I stopped at the Apple store and I'm firmly convinced I'm buying an iMac. I've never used a Mac, but they have everything I want, so now I just need to find a large sum of money to pay it since the price tag is a weeeeee bit salty.

On Christmas day we went with Cari Sloma and her mom to the free showing of White Christmas. Jamie makes me watch it every year and since it was FREE and on the big screen we decided to go.

All in all, it was a very relaxing and fun holiday with family and friends.

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