Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sprinkler System Installed

Well, I decided to be a bit ambitious this past weekend and I put in a sprinkler system. Everything went fine for the most part, with a few exceptions. First, I'm pretty sure a 160-lb man was never intended to run a 1000-lb trencher. Let's just say I felt like I got run over by truck after running that thing for 5 hours. Second problem, coax cable that's buried 3" deep in your yard is no match for aforementioned trencher. So not only did we lose our internet and TV for 2 days, but we lost our free extended basic as well. Now we actually get what we pay for, basic cable.... which totally sucks!

One of the many trenches... straight as a politician.

The jerk that took away our free cable.

The work crew. My neighbors Darrin and Bernard.


After. The finished product. Zone 1 in action.

PS - Funny story. My neighbor Bernard is from the Congo. He said, "in Africa I would just pay someone $50 and they would come and dig these trenches for me. Why are you doing them?" I informed him that in America it costs just a wee bit more than $50 to get someone to do this for me. More, as in $1800. I thought he was going to pass out when I told him :-)


The Bontragers said...

Ryndamin - Straight as a politician alright. I had no doubts that the engineer could manage this project! I'll give you $50 if you come help me put siding on my house. The offer is on the table... I'm just saying. Timmy B

Rice Family said...

Okay, what did you tell the cable guy... "can I take your picture so I can put it on my blog and call you a jerk?" and how dare you publish a post on the blog without even one picture of Norah. COME ON!

Rice Family said...

PS- When I was in Nigeria I was told I could get my gallbladder removed for $60. Sort of seems like $50 for trenches is a rip off.

milnuts said...

I don't think its a rip off. Think about it, how long does it take to remove a gall bladder? 15 mins of heavy drinking to comatose the patient. Then maybe 15 mins to make the incision and gut you. For $50 I'd have slaves digging holes for an entire weekend. Seems like $60 for gallbladder removal is the ripoff... I wouldn't pay more than $20.